Trader Joes is my Jam! Although, I only get certain things from there. This includes:
- Organic Fruits & Vegetables
- Meats & Cheeses (sometimes)
- Canned & Jarred Items
I love Trader Joes, because the price is right! Unfortunately you have to watch out for their packaged items. You MUST read the ingredient labels, because almost all of their packaged, processed food have seed oils and other nasty preservatives the disrupt your gut health.
For those of you wondering, I purchase most of my meat from Butcher Box and love it! My go-to for all other items, such as dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.), eggs, grains, packaged foods, other meats, and more I can’t think of right now from Sprouts.
The list below will keep growing. I didn’t purchase everything this time that I always get from Trader Joes.
Meat & Cheese

ORGANIC Fruit & Vegetables

These are all great snacking options for the kiddos!

Cans & Jars